Var Suthra (10)Full unit name: Suthra, Var
Last updated: 08.08.2024 23:25:27
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Mon Calamari
Mon Calamari
Sentient Species
Gender: Male
Known Facts (20)
Great Galactic War (1) »
The Jedi Envoy (2) »
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Orgus Din
    Glad to see you in one piece. Heard there was some trouble getting to Coruscant.
    Hero of Tython
    An Imperial battle cruiser attacked my shuttle.
    Var Suthra
    You see, Orgus? The Empire grows bolder by the day. This is only the beginning.
    Orgus Din
    You remember Master Kiwiiks and Padawan Kira. This is General Var Suthra and Doctor Eli Tarnis. We're discussing why the Republic secretly built a planetary-scale weapon without consulting the Jedi.
    Eli Tarnis
    My work barely qualifies as a weapon. It's the most humane military technology ever invented. With a single activation, the Planet Prison super-charges a world's upper atmosphere, turning it into an enormous ion cannon.
    Any starship entering or leaving the planet will be completely disabled. Perfect enemy containment, without casualties.
    Hero of Tython
    Have you tested this Planet Prison's safety?
    Eli Tarnis
    We were about to begin field testing when this pointless debate started.
    The Jedi of all people should appreciate what we've created. It's a non-violent means of ending war. How many lives are lost during a full-scale invasion? Our new weapon will end war as we know it.
    Bela Kiwiiks
    Regardless, you've allowed the Planet Prison's design files to be stolen by common criminals.
    Eli Tarnis
    I doubt the thieves even realize what they have. Besides, the data is encrypted.
    Var Suthra
    Our people are pursuing every possible lead.
    Orgus Din
    With all due respect, old friend, don't you think it's time the Jedi got involved?
    Orgus Din
    Master Kiwiiks and I must speak with the Supreme Chancellor. I need you here, finding those design files.
    Hero of Tython
    I won't let you down.
    Bela Kiwiiks
    You stay as well, Kira. Your security expertise may come in handy.
  • Orgus Din, Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Kira Carsen, Eli Tarnis, Bela Kiwiiks
Stolen Secrets (2) »
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    General, we have a lead on the thieves.
    Var Suthra
    This is Agent Galen with the Strategic Information Service. Agent, these young Jedi will assist you.
    Thirty-two hours ago, thieves raided a military storehouse. They stole weapons, supplies and data files for the Planet Prison project. The thieves' leader slipped up--showed his face to a security camera. We identified him from our criminal database. Vistis, Rodian smuggler, staying with the so-called Migrant Merchants' Guild. Nasty bunch of criminals.
    Eli Tarnis
    Why would alien gangsters rob a military storehouse?
    Hero of Tython
    They must know what you're working on.
    Eli Tarnis
    Impossible. It must be a coincidence.
    The guild is a violent, well-armed criminal cartel. Invading their headquarters is something only a Jedi could pull off.
    Eli Tarnis
    Oh, dear. I really must go sit down. Excuse me....
    Kira Carsen
    Agent, let's use your fancy security network to distract those gangsters. Give my friend and the thief some quality time.
    When you find Vistis, contact me. The data files are top priority, but try to recover anything else that was stolen from us. Good luck.
  • T7-O1, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, Eli Tarnis, Galen
Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis (2) »
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Doctor Tarnis is the least of our worries, General. The stolen data files had details, not only on the Planet Prison - but every weapon prototype and research facility in existence.
    Var Suthra
    Our most powerful experimental weapons, and Black Sun has access to them. How could this happen?
    Hero of Tython
    What does Black Sun stand to gain?
    They could make a fortune selling secrets to our enemies
    Hero of Tython
    What are the other weapon prototypes- and why didn't you tell us about them?
    Var Suthra
    Things are called "top secret" for a reason!
    Orgus Din
    Calm down, old friend. It's a fair question - but one for another time.
    Bela Kiwiiks
    We must act quickly to secure these other weapons. Where are they?
    Var Suthra
    Three offworld research facilities. Minimal defenses to give them a low profile. They're vulnerable.
    Orgus Din
    Master Kiwiiks and I will split up and protect two.
    And I'll take the third one.
    Orgus Din
    You get the fun part - rescuing Doctor Tarnis and the copied data files from Black Sun.
    Hero of Tython
    We'll be back in time for dinner.
    Bela Kiwiiks
    Kira will stay behind, too. With Agent Galen leaving, her computer talents will be needed.
    Orgus Din
    She can be impulsive, but give her a chance. You'll make a good team.
    Hero of Tython
    She's rough around the edges, but I like her.
    Bela Kiwiiks
    Share what you've learned. She will benefit from your example.
    Orgus Din
    We should go. May the Force be with us all.
    Var Suthra
    I'll escort you to your ships, my friends.
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Bela Kiwiiks, Orgus Din, Galen
Tracking Down the Traitor (3) »
  • Wore Republic Officer Uniform A02.2
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Var Suthra
    A Sith, working as my chief scientist! How can I defend the Republic if I can't trust my own people? Tarnis's entire engineering team vanished along with the Planet Prison. They're all traitors, too!
    I've known that team for years. I never saw a hint they were anything less than patriots.
    Hero of Tython
    The Sith want us to panic. Don't give in to fear. Sith are masters of deception. We can't be certain of anything.
    Var Suthra
    I'm certain the Sith want us dead. Tarnis will use the Planet Prison against Coruscant. He could trap us here forever. Paralyze the Republic by holding us hostage. You're our only hope of stopping that. You and Kira are the only Jedi with the Council's authorization.
    Kira Carsen
    For good reason. We're both amazing.
    Hero of Tython
    I'll stop him, General - but I need to know where he is.
    Kira Carsen
    That's where I come in. I just traced that holocall we intercepted from the Black Sun base. Tarnis was communicating from down in sector 439.
    Var Suthra
    Justicar territory! Tarnis knows we're not welcome there. Justicars are paramilitary vigilantes. They took over a sector - cut ties with the rest of Coruscant. And they don't like visitors.
    Hero of Tython
    You called them vigilantes. Explain.
    Var Suthra
    Many Justicars are ex-Republic military who came home to find gangsters controlling their neighborhoods. They believe the Republic abandoned Coruscant to crime, so they've taken matters into their own hands.
    The Justicars are well trained and armed, but they don't concern me. It's the Sith Lord I'm worried about.
    Kira Carsen
    You shouldn't face Tarnis alone. I may only be a Padawan, but I can help you.
    Hero of Tython
    What do you think, General?
    Var Suthra
    An excellent idea. In fact, I insist you take her.
    Kira Carsen
    You'll be glad to have me before this is done. I promise.
    T7 = wait here // Kira + Jedi = be careful + be fast!
    Var Suthra
    Stop Tarnis before he uses the Planet Prison against us. The fate of the Republic rests on your shoulders, Jedi. May the Force be with you.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1
Race to the Ruins (4) »
  • Wore Republic Officer Uniform A02.2
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Var Suthra
    No one saw this coming, Master Satele - not even the Jedi Council.
    Satele Shan
    We sensed it for weeks, General. If you'd told us of your secret project, we might have averted this disaster.
    Var Suthra
    Here they are - the heroes of Coruscant. Glad to have you back.
    Hero of Tython
    Coruscant is safe, but I had to destroy the Planet Prison and kill Tarnis.
    Satele Shan
    Yes, we've heard. We also know Tarnis was the son of Darth Angral. Darth Angral personally led the forces that sacked Coruscant in the last war.
    Var Suthra
    Republic comm channels are being flooded with threats from that maniac vowing revenge.
    Hero of Tython
    It seems the Empire has abandoned our treaty.
    Var Suthra
    The Empire has formally disavowed Darth Angral's actions, saying he's gone rogue. It's a lie, but the Senate refuses to authorize a military response.
    Satele Shan
    For good reason. Neither the Republic nor the Jedi are prepared for another war. We would lose.
    Var Suthra
    And if the enemy turns our weapons against us, billions will die. Tarnis transmitted details of all our top secret projects to his father. We traced that transmission to the planet Ord Mantell. Darth Angral must have a base there. I need you to find it.
    Hero of Tython
    If we catch him in his lair, we could end this crisis right now.
    Var Suthra
    I doubt Angral's on that world, but his spy network certainly is.
    Satele Shan
    Master Orgus senses greatness in you, and so do I. This mission is yours.
    Kira Carsen
    I'm going, too. Master Kiwiiks left me here to help.
    Satele Shan
    Agreed. Take Kira. Train and protect her like she's your own Padawan. Like you, she has great potential, but she needs guidance to unlock it.
    Hero of Tython
    It's an important responsibility I won't take lightly.
    Kira Carsen
    We'll get to know each other - it'll be nice.
    Satele Shan
    I must inform the Council of these developments. Travel safely, young Jedi. May the Force be with you.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen
  • Satele Shan (from The Cold War)
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Var Suthra
    All I've ever wanted was to protect the Republic. I was stationed here when the Empire attacked Coruscant. Saw the Jedi Temple destroyed. All those Padawans and Masters cut down... I started these weapon projects in their honor.
    Hero of Tython
    "There is no death, there is only the Force." Weapons won't restore what was lost.
    Var Suthra
    Maybe not, but I can at least stop the Empire from committing more atrocities.
    I already have one of our best starships waiting for you at the spaceport. Your astromech droid is prepping it for takeoff. There's civil war on Ord Mantell. It's a no-fly zone. Dock at the orbital station there and contact me. Good luck.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen
Desolator Crisis (6) »
  • Wore Republic Officer Uniform A02.2
  • Used H2 Heavy Blaster
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Agent Ottau reported to General Var Suthra that a probe he had sent to the hyperspace data transceiver's location was destroyed.
    Suthra informed Ottau that a Jedi Knight would soon arrive and join the mission.
  • Ottau (from New Intelligence)
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Hero of Tython
    General, I've arrived at Ord Mantell.
    Var Suthra
    Perfect timing. I've just finished coordinating things with my man on the ground there. SIS Agent Ottau followed the enemy transmissions to a specific location planetside. He'll give you the full details. Your T7 unit can interface with Darth Angral's hyperspace data transceiver and download his communications. Take the droid with you.
    T7 = oiled + charged + ready for action!
    Kira Carsen
    Hmph. Guess I'll be playing dejarik against myself while you have all the fun.
    But General's right. Scanning a hyperspace data transceiver is a little over my head. Besides, Teeseven can handle himself.
    Hero of Tython
    I'm ready to go, General.
    Var Suthra
    Take a shuttle to the surface and meet Agent Ottau. Good hunting. Var Suthra out...
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Kira Carsen (from New Intelligence)
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    T7 = transmitting files now
    Hero of Tython
    Looks like Tarnis was combining all your weapon projects to create something code-named "Desolator." We believe Angral's arming his battle cruiser with it.
    Var Suthra
    Then it's no coincidence I've lost contact with Agent Galen. The enemy is raiding our weapon research facilities to build that device.
    Hero of Tython
    What about Master Orgus and Kiwiiks? Have they checked-in?
    Var Suthra
    They went on comm-silence after leaving Coruscant. They're due to check in soon.
    Hero of Tython
    What planet was Agent Galen assigned to?
    Var Suthra
    Nar Shaddaa. It's Hutt territory - neutral - but the Empire has a strong presence there. We can't let Darth Angral complete this Desolator weapon, whatever it is. I need your help stopping him. Securing Nar Shaddaa is vital, but there's another target just as important on Taris.
    Kira Carsen
    You have another super-weapon on Taris you didn't tell us about?
    Var Suthra
    I'd rather not say more until you're there.
    Hero of Tython
    I can only do one mission at a time, General. What's more important - securing Nar Shaddaa or Taris?
    Var Suthra
    Nar Shaddaa is the immediate danger, but Taris holds the key to all of this. I'm trusting your Jedi instincts on this. Too many security breaches here; I won't risk the enemy finding out about this. When you reach Taris or Nar Shaddaa, contact me. And good luck.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1 (from New Intelligence)
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Hero of Tython
    General, I'm on Taris. You seemed worried about this place after Ord Mantell. What's the big mystery you wouldn't reveal?
    Var Suthra
    I apologize for the secrecy, but this involves someone the Empire would love to get its hands on. Angral's son, Tarnis, was the lead scientist on our advanced warfare projects. But these technologies were all invented by Doctor Nasan Godera. Doctor Godera's a genius. Calculates targeting algorithms in his head for fun. The Republic couldn't have survived the last war without his technological breakthroughs.
    Hero of Tython
    Since I'm on Taris, I assume he must be too.
    Var Suthra
    Correct. But the situation is... complicated. Doctor Godera hates the Empire. So much so, he quit in protest when the Republic signed the Treaty of Coruscant. Disappeared completely. We recently discovered he's hiding on Taris--but the swamps, predators and city ruins are keeping us from finding him. He's a resourceful man - and he isn't alone. He brought advanced droids with him.
    Hero of Tython
    City ruins? There's no civilization here?
    Var Suthra
    Your Masters never taught you about the Jedi Civil War? Three hundred years ago, there was a conflict between two fallen Jedi named Revan and Malak. Malak obliterated Taris hoping to kill Revan. Billions of innocent people died.
    Hero of Tython
    Did Malak succeed in killing Revan?
    Var Suthra
    Revan escaped Taris's destruction and eventually killed Malak. Many more died before it was over.
    Hero of Tython
    What sort of weapon did Malak have that could destroy this world?
    Var Suthra
    We didn't have planetary shields back then. A fleet of battle cruisers leveled the city towers from orbit.
    The Republic is recolonizing Taris. Recently, we found evidence that our missing doctor has been here for years. Reconnaissance discovered one of Godera's outposts in the swamp. It's entirely automated. Nothing but droids inside, and they're not cooperating.
    Hero of Tython
    How do you know this outpost doesn't belong to someone else?
    Var Suthra
    The droids kept demanding Godera's passwords from us. They work for him. Godera took no chances. The droids' memory cores are sealed and encrypted. I've had people scouring Taris for other outposts. The survivors returned empty-handed.
    general_var_suthra: After what you learned on Ord Mantell, we need that man's expertise. You're our best shot at finding Doctor Godera.
    Hero of Tython
    I'll bring him back alive, whatever it takes.
    Var Suthra
    I left a small team monitoring the outpost. They'll aid your search. Transmitting outpost coordinates. Good luck - Var Suthra out.
  • Hero of Tython (from The Architect of Annihilation)


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Republic Army
Show all (8)DetailsGreat Galactic War (General)Sacking of Coruscant (General)The Jedi Envoy (General)Stolen Secrets (General)Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis (General)Tracking Down the Traitor (General)Race to the Ruins (General)Desolator Crisis (General)
Known weaponry & equipment
H2 Heavy Blaster
Known armor & apparel
Republic Officer Uniform A02.2
All characters this character met
Hero of Tython
Show all (7)DetailsThe Jedi EnvoyStolen SecretsKidnapping of Doctor TarnisTracking Down the TraitorRace to the RuinsNew IntelligenceThe Architect of Annihilation
Satele Shan
Race to the Ruins
Kira Carsen
Show all (5)DetailsThe Jedi EnvoyStolen SecretsTracking Down the TraitorRace to the RuinsNew Intelligence
Orgus Din
Show all (3)DetailsGreat Galactic WarThe Jedi EnvoyKidnapping of Doctor Tarnis
Show all (2)DetailsStolen SecretsKidnapping of Doctor Tarnis
Bela Kiwiiks
Show all (2)DetailsThe Jedi EnvoyKidnapping of Doctor Tarnis
New Intelligence
Eli Tarnis
Show all (2)DetailsThe Jedi EnvoyStolen Secrets
Show all (5)DetailsThe Jedi EnvoyStolen SecretsKidnapping of Doctor TarnisTracking Down the TraitorNew Intelligence
Complete list

Full unit name: Suthra, Var Last updated: 08.08.2024 23:25:27